Thursday, July 19, 2007

So angry that I cannot even come up with a title...

At this point I have no idea how the Red Sox game will end, but I have had it. This team is pathetic. From top to bottom, they are pathetic. Sure many of players are having fantastic years, sure they will be still be up atleast 7 games...but they are awful, dreadful and (in the spirit of the last Harry Potter book coming out) GHASTLY! I cannot believe it. A $160 million payroll and not one player with who plays with any fire. In April and May they seemed to care and their play showed it. Best record in the majors and an seemingly insurmountable lead. They even had me praising Terry Francona's amazing coaching ability. Now you will not hear a word of praise. I written it on this page before and I will write again...THIS TEAM CANNOT AND WILL NOT WIN A WORLD SERIES AS PRESENTLY CONSTITUTED. They need to make a change, ruffle some something. Something like Theo Epstein had the guts to do in 2004. Now he is so afraid of his own shadow that he signs the likes of JD Drew and Julio Lugo. Ever since he stormed out with his blanky in one hand and rattle in the other and got what he wanted, gained more control over operations, the team has been awful to watch. I have never been a fan of Larry Lucchino (like most Sox fans), but ever since Theo gained more of Larry's power the team has gone to pot. Lucchino is the one who said it was time to get rid of Pedro and Damon...not Theo. Theo pushed for deals signing Carl Pavano and Javier Vazquez and was bailed out time and time again by the Yankees Brain Cashmen. Wonder Boy? How about Dunder Boy? I am not even sure if that makes sense, but I am so angry that it will have to make sense for now. Am I saying that in order for the Red Sox to turn around 2007 they will have to fire Theo...NO I am not. Firing the GM will not change the direction of a team. What I am saying is make a move before the trade deadline. Do something BIG. The Sox need more than a better bench...they need more pitching and hitting. They need to address the holes and FIX THEM ALL. Have some guts...make a change. I know the Sox won the Series in 2004 and I know there is grace period, but I cannot take it anymore. I am so angry...Can you tell?


Alan & Allison said...


I feel your pain. Even though the Reds are 5 of 8 since the All-Star break, it's still hard to be happy about a team that will likely lose 90 games, but hey there's always next year. Maybe they will be in the running at the end of April. Anyway outside the stress of the Sox we hope you are enjoying your new home. Good luck and keep in touch.

Alan, Allison and Ben

p.s. It could still get worse Allison still thinks the Nationals are a good team!!!

TUG said...

No wonder you didn't want to watch the Dodger game last night. Yikes; I hope you are still sleeping this off.

Sean and Laura said...

Wow. You and Sean should write your blog together. All of this could have been coming directly from his mouth. I, on the other hand, refuse to give up. Rather than endure the seemingly inevitable torture of another blown game, I went to bed.