Saturday, September 22, 2007

An open letter to Mr. Lugo

Mr. Lugo,
For the past few months I have been known to call you "the worst everyday player in baseball". After tonights performance I must publicly apologize for my oversight. While your numbers are not stellar, they are improving and tonight your big home run clinched a playoff spot for the Boston Red Sox. You are no longer the "the worst everyday player in baseball". I hope that you can expect my apology and because I am certain you truly are reading this...Lo Siento. Oh, and let me be the first to offically say, "Welcome to the Red Sox."

Sam Carter

p.s. Just so you can watch it again and again, here is your HOMERUN.


Unknown said...

You are very creative- thanks for always finding the humor, even in the most stressful of situations. :) I love you!

Sean and Laura said...

Mr. Carter. Thank you for your public apology. I will tell that woman to stop calling you about the lawsuit. Mr. Lugo